Sunday 30 October 2011

Concise Oxford English Dictionary for Mobiles

Concise Oxford English Dictionary
The Concise Oxford English Dictionary (also known The Concise Oxford Dictionary officially until 2002, and usually abbreviated as COD) is probably the most popular of the Pocket Oxford dictionaries. 

The latest and up-to-date edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary contains over 240,000 words and 1,728 pages. The parent Oxford English Dictionary is at over 21,000 pages in volume. Its eleventh edition, which has been published in 2004, is also used by the UN as the currently most authentic authority for spellings used in documents written in the English language for international use. It is also available for free on the internet and as an electronic eBook for a variety of handheld device platforms e.g. Pocket PCs and Mobile Gadgets. In addition to providing information for general use, it documents local variations such as U.S. and U.K. usage of words.

This software which i have uploaded is for all the Nokia Symbian v3 and all the Java phones.
It is easy to install and use. The Symbian version of this application supports various functions i.e. copying the definitions, listening to the pronunciation, etc. Where as the Java version is a bit simpler but it is supported by all the Java phones.

Download Links:
These three files are for Symbian S60v3 Phone, to be installed respectively.
This fourth files is for Java phone and can be installed easily. Whoever is unable to install the dictionaries in the symbian installer(.sis or .sisx) can also install this version of the dictionary.

Keywords: definition, the oxford, english dictionary, english to english, concise oxford dictionary, Msdict viewer, dictionary and thesaurus, the english dictionary, download free dictionary